Member Email Communications

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Member Happenings

A three-month window of upcoming events and education opportunities, so you can plan ahead.

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Industry Articles

You get highlighted articles that we think are interesting or relevant. We give you a tease, then lead you directly to the article’s source. We also feature a sequence of our IIANM Partner highlights and rotate them throughout the year.

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Highlighting Member Benefits

We regularly remind everyone of the valuable benefits that come with your membership. We decided to feature two benefits a month - one focused on benefits for your agency, and the other geared towards what you can use for your clients.

Member Alerts

Alerts will be sent if there is pertinent information that you need to know right away. They may feature material communications from the OSI or other emergency information.

Legislative Bulletin Updates

During the Legislative Session, IIANM emails our members with an as-needed legislative update. If you do not currently receive a copy and would like to, please email Skylar Chavez at

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