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What is IIANM Employee Benefits Division and How Can We Help You?
Chartered in 1934, IIANM is one of the oldest trade associations in the state. Approximately 175 agencies, branches, and subsidiaries - operated by over 2,000 agents, brokers and their employees - make IIANM the largest insurance trade association in New Mexico.
Typically, IIANM has been predominately a property & casualty focused association. However, over the last 20 years, our agency members have expanded to include all lines of business. We saw a need to support the employee benefits personnel of these agencies and supply them with resources to help them compete against direct writers and to provide necessary educational resources.
Join IIANM Employee Benefits Division today and let us help you grow your agency.
Individual Producer:
Insurance Agency (2 licensed employees):
Insurance Agency (2+ licensed employees):
base rate: $500/year (includes first 2 licensed employees) + $100 per each additional licensed employee to a maximum of $2500/year
Employee Benefits Steering Committee
Jamie Cox
Axcess Financial Group
Vanguard Resources, Inc.
Hub International Albuquerque
Axcess Financial Group